Happy belated new year Newgrounds.
As you know, according to the Maya calendar, the world will end this year. But you know what? I don't give a fuck if all goes to hell, maybe I didn't live a good life, I didn't accomplished my goals, I didn't made anything meaningful or important, I didn't travel all over the world, I didn't party a lot, I didn't meet love, I didn't watch all the movies or tv shows or play the video games I'd like to or I didn't fuck all the women I wanted, but none of that will care if this planet goes to the toilet. So, enjoy your last year on earth, I know I won't.
P.S. You may wonder (or not, no one reads this crappy news posts) why I'm blue (or green?) in the picture. Well, I just painted it the wrong color, but I like how it looks.