I´m feeling so old........
......You appeal to nostalgia, and it works for me. Good old times of the NES and Contra (best game ever!!!!). Great Work.
I´m feeling so old........
......You appeal to nostalgia, and it works for me. Good old times of the NES and Contra (best game ever!!!!). Great Work.
Sad But True.....
Man, I´m still laughing, that´s the world we live. I have to go, I have to poke some friends and make shitti quizzes.
I was so boring watching this, then, BAM!, Rorschach starts with "Never Gonna Give You Up", and it made me laugh.
The graphics and the animation are a little lame, but who gives a shit?, I´m laughing my guts off. Dr Manhathan dancing the moon walk? that was EPIC!!!!
It desreves a sequel
I love it, looks like a real old-fashioned silent movies, but with more FX. please make a sequel, but first make another Tankmen episode.
Pues ta´ como weno, guey....
Esta muy chida tu animacion, y las voces estan de puta madre.....pero creo q es muy pronto para hacer bromas sobre el Michael Jackson, pues el guey se murio hace poco......y no se.....puede ser ofensivo para muchos (NO me incluyo....) igual esta muy chido.
Gracias! Esto es una parodia, quien lo quiera tomar con humor, bien... quienes no quieran la verdad me tienen sin cuidado.
Gracias por el review! n_n
Way too short.....
The claymation was good, and it started funny, but too short. Please make something a little bit longer.
Frightening and funny.....
How could I miss this?, it was pretty cool, it was the perfect mix of humor and horror. Great job my friend. BTW, you´re not a bad voice actor, you should make voices more often.
I´m still laughing. A perfect spoof for that crappy movie.
Joined on 5/30/06